adults - Uma visão geral

adults - Uma visão geral

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Let your children take the lead. Become part of their game rather than trying to dictate the play. In pretend play, let your child call the shots, make the rules, and determine the pace of play.

Taking the time to replenish yourself through play is one of the best ways you can help your career. When the project you’re working on hits a serious glitch, take some time out to play and have a few laughs. Taking a pause for play does a lot more than take your mind off the problem.

Stimulate the mind and boost creativity. Young children often learn best when they are playing—a principle that applies to adults, as well.

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The percentage of participants who agreed that these characteristics made someone an adult. One hundred percent would indicate agree, and 0 percent would indicate disagree.

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Did you watch the totally awesome LEGO® D&D® game night? We chatted to the wizards behind the bespoke LEGO® brick table on how it was designed for limitless, imaginative play...

Not more than one adult worker in ten—so at least it might with confidence be estimated—is employed on necessary things.

Joke with strangers at a bus stop or in a checkout line. It’ll make the time pass quicker and you may even spark up new friendships.

Trust enables us to work together, open ourselves to intimacy, and try new things. By making a conscious effort to incorporate more humor and play into your daily interactions, you can improve the quality of your love relationships—as well as your connections with co-workers, family members, and friends.

Relieve stress. Play is fun and can trigger the release of endorphins, the body’s conterraneo feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.

This was done in response to reducing the number of drunk driving fatalities prevalent among young drivers. States that choose not to comply can lose up to 10% of highway funding.[29]

You’ll learn a new task better when it’s fun and you’re in a relaxed and playful mood. Play can also stimulate your imagination, helping you adapt and solve problems.

: one that is adult especially : a human being after an age (such as 21) specified by law adultlike ə-ˈdəlt-ˌlīk 

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